Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

NameCampusCategoryEnteredRequestFlag Count 
Satish AmajalapuOnline MinistryGeneral7/25/2024Mark 16:15:- And he said to them, “Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to all creation”. My Dear Loving Pastor Rev. Dr. Steve Crane Sir, Greetings to you and your beautiful family there, I came across your website and I was really blessed as I was looking at it. Through your great preaching on your ministry, I am very happy with your teachings, and it is a great blessing to me and my family and our Jesus Grace Children Ministries, In this letter, we request you to send us more teachings that will help us, as our small church, to grow spiritually. Also, I kindly invite you to come to India and bless our people with the gospel of our Lord Jesus. South India needs mighty people of God like you to lead her to salvation and to know the living God. Please take care to give your loving contribution to the expansion of God's Kingdom. In fact, we are going to organize pastors' conferences and revival outreach meetings From March 10th to 16th, 2025 1. Pastors Conference-2 days 2. Outreach Revival meetings -3 nights 3. Visiting Churches 4. Widow feeding meeting-1 day Host: Satish and JGCM Team We are pleased to invite you as our keynote speaker for our upcoming conferences, It is our honor and privilege to invite you to India to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to our people. I request you to kindly come and bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to our country, as India needs to know the true God and seek His salvation from sin and shame and become children of God freed from all evil forces. I request you once again to kindly encourage us with your ministry of teaching and preaching. Moreover, I seek your valuable prayers and cooperation for all our orphans', and we will be happy if you accept us as part of your fellowship. Note: If you are unable to visit us on those dates, you can preach to our 120 pastors via Zoom call. Our warm greetings and best wishes to all our brothers and sisters in Christ. Pastor: Amjalapu Satish
Nancy CaulderSurprise ValleyGeneral7/24/2024Nancy Caulder, who is a member at Surprise Valley, had a heart attack yesterday (8/23) and is currently in the hospital. Pray for God's healing, strength, and comfort to surround her at this time. Please be in prayer for her family as they support her in the midst of this health concern.
Wayne KiddCentral Valley 7/22/2024Pray for Mary Ann, my good friend. She fell and is in a lot of pain.
Julianne CelikWest Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for my family as we are facing a difficult decision regarding our dog.
Chad ConroyWest Valley 7/21/2024Prayer for my dad, Glenn, Uncle Ricky and Aunt Marcia to come to know and love Jesus. Remove all barriers for them to come to Jesus.
Theresa HillmanWest Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for my son, Austin, as he struggles with life at 27. He has Aspergers and feels he doesn't need medication. Pray for my daughter-in-law, Lizzy, as she struggles watching my son spiral.
Bryan SperlingWest Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for my mom, Zella, and brother, Jerry, who will be flying in tomorrow 7/22.
Gemma EarlyWest Valley 7/21/2024Due to budget cuts, I am out of a job. Please pray for a full-time position for me soon. Also, I am having health issues with my liver. Pray for healing.
Susan ThomasWest Valley 7/21/2024I need prayer for protection from scammers. As I have gotten older, I am more of a target for scammers. I was scammed two weeks ago.
Aileen MaloneWest Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for our traveling safety 7/22 through 8/1. Also for Sheryl Wood traveling home Tuesday from Germany. For her rest and health.
Caydence ScottWest Valley 7/21/2024I am confused!! I want my mom to get better, but I have so much anger and hatred towards her. I don't know what to do. Please pray that I will figure it out.
Julie VillaricaWest Valley 7/21/2024Prayer blessing, happiness, prosperity, healing, good health and peace of mind for me, my children and my entire family. Also my friends and family.
Shannon CritesWest Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for my daughter. Her marriage and pregnancy.
Felicia OzunaWest Valley 7/21/2024Spiritual welfare post-baptism. Stepfather grieving his father's death.
Silvia ChavezWest Valley 7/21/2024Praying for my neighbor, Dwayne, for the loss of his son. Be near him as he is still looking for Jesus to be part of his life.
Ted FaubelWest Valley 7/21/2024We need more help cleaning the Church. Please pray that more folks step up and offer to help.
Stacey BrownWest Valley 7/21/2024Prayer for the salvation of loved ones and family friends.
David ColeWest Valley 7/21/2024My friend, Shaun, is in need of prayer. His wife has lost her mind. Currently in a mental hospital. He is home and has three kids and working and has financial needs due to the hospital bills coming in.
Don RuffingCentral Valley 7/21/2024Prayer for my daughter Erica who is facing a divorce. Prayer that she would turn to God for her answers and peace.
Erin ClancyCentral Valley 7/21/2024Legal issue separating me from my kids. Prayers to be reunited.
Deena RothfieldCentral Valley 7/21/2024Continued prayer for my nephew Cayden (14) who is battling leukemia. His numbers are looking great. God is working in this family. He will have a port put in soon. God is good!
Anonymous Central ValleyCentral Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for my daughter and her husband as they go through a difficult time in their marriage. Also, that they find their way back to church and putting God back into their lives.
Scott JohnsonCentral Valley 7/21/2024That Donald Trump and JD Vance can help bring unity to America.
Terry HuttonCentral Valley 7/21/2024Safety for family as we spend week at Hells Canyon.
Gary AndersonCentral Valley 7/21/2024That more evangelists would go to the world's unreached peoples.
Gina SaulovichCentral Valley 7/21/2024Hannah Saulovich and our grandson in her belly!
Chris Van SickleCentral Valley 7/21/2024My wife will get pregnant.
Ed BoyceCentral Valley 7/21/2024E.J.: wisdom.
Robert AtkinsCentral Valley 7/21/2024Bob (Joan) Knight - Bob is declining. Pray for salvation, peace and no pain as he prepares to leave this world.
Carol HartmanCentral Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for our country and the Trump family.
Wayne McCluskeyKuna 7/21/2024For my family because of the loss of my wife of 50 years, dying of ALS, 10 months ago. We are having a hard time. Today we are looking at Romans 8:28. I live with my daughter and two grandsons.
Erin AcquavivaCentral Valley 7/21/2024Healing between Hannah and Erin (daughter).
Anonymous KunaKuna 7/21/2024Prayer for my grandson Calvin to know all his family love him/miss him and we hope his mom's choice to send him away was not a punishment, but a poor choice on his mom's part. We love him with all our heart.
Bob HamiltonKuna 7/21/2024Please pray that God will make Himself real to our daughter and her friends who have walked away from Him.
Norman AhrensCentral Valley 7/21/2024Pray for America. Pray for safe traveling for all. Pray for God in our government.
Ashley HodappCentral Valley 7/21/2024I just found out my boyfriend cheated on me. I don't know what to do or who to talk to.
Hannah SaulovichCentral Valley 7/21/2024Pray for this pregnancy/miracle baby and the joy in God thorough this journey.
Debbie BixbyCentral Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for my son Tony to bring his family back to church. Thank you.
Wally ReisbeckCentral Valley 7/21/2024Please pray my wife Bernadette gets home safe. She is stuck in Green Bay. Plane cancelled! God bless us. Thank you.
Veronica PetersonKuna 7/21/2024Pray for the State of Idaho, that we have more people becoming Christians as well as our nation.
Jennifer SmithCentral Valley 7/21/2024Elijah and Taylor -- going through with divorce. That they will hear God and feel His love. Charity Huether -- backslidden. She will know without doubt God is real and He loves her.
Linda SutchCentral Valley 7/21/2024Praise God for answered prayers and keeping our President and country safe.
Raimey ApsleyCentral Valley 7/21/2024We have a new baby coming into the family soon. Just wanting a healthy delivery and a healthy baby. Thank you!
Shannon CraysCentral Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for healing on my back! Please. Pray for my friend Joy Dunbar, healing of the mind... Thank you Jesus.
Scott GreenCentral Valley 7/21/2024Please pray that I can help raise funds to help a school in Honduras put in a new A/C unit for their computer lab.
Derek LeRoyCentral Valley 7/21/2024Prayers for strength, patience, faith, love, compassion, contentment, wisdom and self-control. Prayers for Andrea, David, Staci, for their salvation. Prayer for Ruthie, for endurance to complete her leukemia treatments, to give her a great testimony of how God helped her and her family. Prayer for financial provision. Prayer for our nation to return to following God's principles.
Vickie RedmonKuna 7/21/2024Hope. After finding my dad hanging, I was just in time to get him down and keep him alive. He has dementia and somedays he is all here, most he isn't. This is so hurtful for me. Later in the evening I thought I wished I wasn't in time, now I feel horrible for that thought. I'm just wanting comfort for him. I want comfort, however, the thought was so strong. My hope is he gets relief from this horrible disease.
Gil ChaconCentral Valley 7/21/2024Pray for David B., for healing of ALT-FIB diagnosis. Pray for Brian Peet that he may come to know the Lord and healing from cancer.
Michelle BallardCentral Valley 7/21/2024Please pray for the hearts of my children as they alienate my grandchildren from me. Thank you.
Cheryl DayleyCentral Valley 7/21/2024I am trusting God for unsaved family members' salvation; for saved members' growth in Christ.
4,519 requests

Prayer Requests

  • 9/3/2023 - Pray for America to repent and turn back to the Lord
  • 9/10/2023 - To break the chains of addiction/mental illness, satan's hold on Chelsea's life.
  • 9/10/2023 - This is a different prayer. Please pray for the mechanics that are working on our truck. They have had it for 2 1/2 months & now moved it to another shop because they can't fix it.
  • 10/1/2023 - For my son, John, & his daughter, Aubrey. Letting them find a home & protection. This situation has been going on for a while.
  • 10/29/2023 - Please pray for my daughter to give up drugs and alcohol. May she discover her own self worth and be a great mom.
  • 11/11/2023 - Clarity on decision of job and peace for that choice.
  • 11/12/2023 - For the youth, they don't know the value of reading the word and the treasure of authority. They don't know the value of things and they are mashed/blindsided. This culture is so destructive, it leaves people hopeless. My firends need direction and support and needs to run to God.
  • 12/3/2023 - Thank you all so much for reaching out to me concerning my friends with cancer. Denise did pass away.... :( We had a great visit about 3 weeks before she passed. So odd that her sister, also my friend, saw Denise after she died... I guess maybe common. My other friend, Brenda has been battling cancer since 2006, a warrior for sure. I am so impressed with her and pray that God will continue to guide her and her doctor to treatments that will have success. I have been through 2 rounds but in remission, knock on wood. I still continue to grief for my dad but I know it's all about having loved someone so much and missing them. Thank you for listening. God Bless you all.
  • 12/9/2023 - My uncle Romeo (99 years old) fell and broke his neck while tending his garden and chickens. Please pray.
  • 1/11/2024 - I'd like to request prayer for a family member who has just been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Please pray for wisdom as to how to proceed, and especially that God will speak to his heart and draw my family member to a saving knowledge of Himself.
  • 1/12/2024 - Please be praying for Dave, as he is having Cataract surgery on Monday morning, January 15th. Pray for his doctor and a successful eye surgery. Thank you for praying.
  • 1/14/2024 - Please pray for protection of my daughter Jennifer who lives in Jordan. Also pray for Clint my nephew with pancreatic cancer. Please for a miracle healing for him.
  • 1/14/2024 - Please pray for my adult daughter who has walked away from Jesus and her family.
  • 1/14/2024 - Please pray for John Van Boven who is in the ER after a bad fall. We pray for a complete and quick recovery.
  • 1/14/2024 - Continue to pray for Mark Bollacker. His liver numbers have continued to decline even on dialysis.
  • 1/15/2024 - Prayer for safety as Kenny works in Washington and comfort for Betty as she is home alone the next 10 days
  • 1/20/2024 - Prayer as I learn to turn my worries and fears over to Him. For it is His will and world. I need not worry. As my faith grows, my worry shall decrease.
  • 1/21/2024 - Pray that my sons will give their lives to Jesus! Also pray that my knee will heal.
  • 1/21/2024 - Pray for our daughter as she graduates from OTS in Alabama. Pray for Glenn's recovery from surgery. Also pray for all that need comfort and love.
  • 1/21/2024 - A family our son knows (she's a co-owner of The Orchard House) had two deaths in the family. Her 14 year old son was crushed by a 1 ton hay bale and her husband shot himself after finding his son. Pray for the family and my son as they deal with the pain.
  • 1/21/2024 - Please pray for our marriage. Connie and I (Steve) are separated.
  • 1/22/2024 - I wish for relief of my pain even just a little bit. I has caused me to go into depression that I can not even get up to come to church. Which in love doing. I do listen to the sermons but I do miss the fellowship of going to church. I pray everyday for relief and maybe if more love and prayers were sent to me. This demon of pain will let go. Thank you.
  • 1/26/2024 - My nephew, Ben, and his wife Steph, in Portland, are dealing with an awful situation. A single mother, named Tanya, is dying of cancer (probably less than a week left). She has a 7-y-o boy named K.J. Tanya has willed custody of K.J. to Ben and Steph. Tanya hasn't told K.J. that she's dying yet. Ben and Steph are currently caring for the boy and are struggling with whether/how to break the news to him since his mother is dragging her feet. Father is completely out of the picture. Tanya's family is uninvolved and is in Arkansas. Ben and Steph also have two children: Zeb (age 7 and friend of K.J) and Lula (age 8, I think). Ben and Steph are believers. Tanya is not, as far as anyone can tell. Please pray in whatever way you think best. Thank you.
  • 1/27/2024 - Please pray for our son Noah. He needs the Lords help to guide on the right path and fulfill what the Lord has in store for him. He is very lost right now.
  • 1/28/2024 - God please show us what you want us to understand about what our world is going through. Protect us as we go through this next week. Thank u Lord and Savior.
  • 1/28/2024 - For the second birth of my adult kids, Alex and Abby.
  • 1/28/2024 - Prayer for our son’s kidney/ureter be healed. Prayer for Hannah’s fathers and brothers salvation.
  • 1/28/2024 - I pray for my obedience of faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • 1/28/2024 - Pray for my brother-in-law Matt Granino as he struggles with alcohol and self-confidence. Pray that his faith in Christ and the holy spirit give him strength and comfort.
  • 1/28/2024 - Pray for our neighbor Howard Thomas. He has a very weak heart and is having a defibrulator put in his heart tomorrow 1/29. He needs Jesus! My husband and I are going to pray with him today. we will invite him to accept Jesus. Pray for our courage to be faithful. Thank you
  • 1/28/2024 - My friend's mother is an alcoholic. My friend is in high school & has anxiety about keeping her mother alive. Her mother broke her own leg when drunk & trying to get more alcohol. Now the mother has a broken leg & other severe health issues. My friend knows of God & has attended churches & is very angry & is confused. She wants a sign & wants to die.
  • 1/29/2024 - Paulla Mizer just had her trachea and both main stem bronchi replaced because of a condition known as tracheobronchiomalacia or TBM. This doctor from Stanford is world-renowned and might be a good option for the family.
  • 1/29/2024 - George(Tim) passed away on Jan 13, 2024 at home from dementia and related issues. He died at home with the help of hospice care, which I am forever grateful. It has been hard and only 2 weeks since this happened. I need help and healing to move forward now. Thank you
  • 1/29/2024 - Please pray for my dad, Lance. He has a dangerously low heart rate. If his medication change doesn’t improve it the next couple of days, then he may need a pacemaker. He is in very poor health. In Jesus’ name we pray. Thank you.
  • 1/29/2024 - Please pray for Joe. He hurt his shoulder shoveling snow and is in a lot of pain. He isn't able to get in to see a doctor to see what is going on with it and to see if he needs surgery. He is not able to sleep well. Also, pray for strength for Lois as she cares for him.
  • 2/2/2024 - Pray for John Van Boven. He has a bacterial blood infection. They are trying to stop it with antibiotics. They have done surgery on his knees, shoulder, eye, and next is the spine to flush out the infection. He needs healing from this blood infection. He is in the surgical ICU in Boise.
  • 2/3/2024 - I am not the smartest person. I have to take a payroll course for my job. It's a lot of math. Please pray for my ability to learn and hopefully pass.
  • 2/4/2024 - My daughter is interviewing for a job change and want to pray that even though she is just kinda believer, Gods will and message will find her heart.
  • 2/4/2024 - The Gospel will be received by my brother-in-law and his wife and our children.
  • 2/4/2024 - Thank you for continuing to pray for DivorceCare--for participants to draw closer to God and that He will guide and heal. Please pray for our friend Janice who is having her pacemaker replaced in Seattle in a few days. For salvation for her and husband Mic. Praise to God for His love and mercy! For protection, wisdom and guidance for Pastor Steve and all who serve at ECC campuses.
  • 2/4/2024 - Please keep Pat and Gloria Borschowa in prayer. Former in our ECC family, they now live in Ohio and attended ECC online this morning. They are asking for prayer for Pat who fell off roof 12 days ago and has been in hospital ever since with 11 broken ribs and other injuries. He is still in a lot of pain but hopes to go home on Monday. Prays for my brother Roger for his constant pain and for salvation.
  • 2/5/2024 - For Troy and his wife who had to take their granddaughter, Hazel, from their daughter, Alicia. For Alicia to repent and turn to Jesus.
  • 2/5/2024 - Continued praise for my grandpa's progress. He's settled into Swan Falls Assisted Living Center in Kuna. He celebrated his 83rd birthday on February 1. We had a wonderful visit with him that day. He was chatting with us, laughing and acting like he used to. Praise God!
  • 2/5/2024 - Please pray for the salvation of my brother, Gene, and nephew, Ed. Pray that I can be used for the Lord's glory.
  • 2/5/2024 - Thank you for praying, my husband Dave's surgery went great and every day he's feeling better. We're so grateful and praising God.
  • 2/6/2024 - Prayers are being answered! Brynli is doing well and off the ventilator. She so far has not gagged or choked even once. She is still noise but that should start going away in a couple days. She will be monitored in PICU one more night , then move to peds. She will start a very high dose steroid (Prednisone) tomorrow for 2 weeks, then ween off for 6 weeks to treat her infantile spasms. We are told it will cause swelling/puffiness and irritability. It will be a long 2 months, but it should knock out the spasms. Hoping for a new healthier version of our sweet girl when all that is done. God is amazing!!! Oh and how could I forget to mention-her brain MRI is normal!!!!Best news ever!
  • 2/6/2024 - Brynli is home🥰. She still chokes occasional but very hopeful they will go away and not get worse again🙏. I don’t know if I mentioned she was diagnosed with infantile spasms. She started an intense treatment of high dose Prednisone for 2 weeks followed by 6 week taper. It makes her irritable and probably puffy and low immunity. We will need to be very careful not to expose her to anything for a while. But hopefully the treatment will knock out the spasms! But…we can’t call her “squeaks”anymore because she breaths quiet😊. When these treatments are over we are hopeful she will start meeting some milestones-maybe even smile! God is so good!
  • 2/6/2024 - Please pray for Marci Sumii, our receptionist at Central Valley. She has been out sick and today, tested positive for COVID and the FLU. She's on meds for both, but can't take some of her other medications. She has been advised to sleep on her stomach. Please pray for health and a quick recovery.
  • 2/6/2024 - The truth is not so sure I am a Christian anymore. These past eight years I have struggled. I’ve tried to be patient with God I really have, but no answers at all it’s come to a point where I want to give up my faith I’ve tried God knows I’ve tried. I prayed for a successful business. I put together once upon a time, but that collapsed during the pandemic no wife, no kids everyone else is still living in my parents, suite.
  • 2/6/2024 - Me and God are not seeing eye right now I’ve been struggling with my faith or eight years now and I’ve had enough more questions than answers too many unanswered. Prayers have no wife I have no kids don’t really like where my life is going right now.
  • 2/6/2024 - Please pray for Traci Kemble's middle school aged son Bridger Kemble. He was admitted to the hospital today with a hip and bloodstream infection and a septic hip along with a muscle infection below the hip. He will go to surgery tonight 2/6/24 at 2300.
  • 2/10/2024 - Prayers for Dennis, please. Was taken to ER by ambulance this morning with a pretty serious case of A-fib. We are walking a fine line with him…pray that medical professionals can get him and his meds balanced and he can regain strength. Thank you.
  • 2/10/2024 - I am going to TX tomorrow to support the family of 3 (son +DIL and child Lily) when Cori (mom) gets her tonsils out at age 53 on Monday!!! Please keep her, her doc/medical teams and professionals, and all of us in prayer. May His will be done, and of course we are hoping for a great outcome and expecting a longer recovery. I have an "open-ended ticket". Thanks! Prayer is aways the best!!!
  • 2/11/2024 - Patty P. comes to Christ. Larry C. comes to Christ. Dave S. comes to Christ.
  • 2/11/2024 - Please pray for my daughter Rayleah and to put her on your prayer chain. On 2/19 we finally have a doctor's appointment to get answers and set up surgery. Please pray for God to work through the doctors and for complete healing and no more pain. In Jesus' name. Amen. And thank you for praying for her.
  • 2/12/2024 - Asking prayers for Aiden . He continues to choose to live out of his car. He's full of hate and anger. Praying for a breakthrough and healing in him and between he and his mother.
  • 2/12/2024 - Praise God that our daughter, Emily, was able to get to surgery early for her appendix. Please pray for and our son, Anthony. They know God and are choosing to reject His authority.
  • 2/12/2024 - My daughter, Sarah, and her husband moving to AK. Driving in 2 days. Please pray for travel mercies and that they are able to settle in so I can go visit soon.
  • 2/12/2024 - Please pray for Randy's job and healing from tinnitus. Please pray for the will of God in Callie's life. Please pray for ministry at TouchMark and blessing on message.
  • 2/12/2024 - Please pray for my mom, Vickie. She has been battling health issues for over a year now and cannot get any answers or relief. She is now dealing with kidney stones on top of everything else. It pretty discouraging for both her and my dad, and the rest of the family.
  • 2/13/2024 - Update on Brynli. Please don't let prayers fizzle-she still needs them! She is breathing much better-praise Jesus! So many hurtles to get over. Next is probably her discomfort. She is on a waitlist for her GI doctor as her next appointment is out a ways. But she struggles every day with what appears stomach pain(?) . She is trialing a new formula which we hope helps. But because of her arching and stiffness (due to apparent discomfort) , almost all her home therapy teams are on hold as they have not been able to make progress. This is so disappointing. She needs a diagnosis but nobody seems to be able to find one. We love this girl so much!! Please Jesus give us patience and know that You have this!! Thanks for helping spread the word so she can get as many prayers as possible!
  • 2/13/2024 - Please pray for Mike Allan, Joan's son who is having emergency surgery. Pray that the doctors fix and find what is wrong. Pray for quick healing. He is expected to be in the ICU for 3-4 days. Please pray for his family to find peace and comfort during this hard and unexpected time.
  • 2/14/2024 - Please pray for my brother, Justin. He's trying to recover from a motorcycle accident and is not doing well.
  • 2/15/2024 - Stephen is in the VA hospital with a serious infection in one of his feet. They have to do surgery today.
  • 2/15/2024 - Her 93 year old father is having bladder cancer surgery today. Pray for a successful surgery and a complete and speedy recovery. Pray for the family to be surrounded by God's peace and comfort as their loved one undergoes this surgical procedure.
  • 2/15/2024 - Please keep Vickie Miller in your prayers. She underwent a routine surgery yesterday but has been hospitalized due to complications. After surgery, she had difficulties maintaining oxygen levels and is currently suffering from low blood pressure and dehydration. Although she has been taken off oxygen, they are keeping her because of her extremely low blood pressure and dehydration.
  • 2/16/2024 - My grandfather passed away this morning, and I would like to pray for peace for not only him as he made his way to heaven but also for my family, specifically my dad, his siblings, and my grandma.
  • 2/19/2024 - Please continue to pray for my mom, Vickie Miller. She underwent a routine surgery and had complications. She is home now but is still struggling with health issues as a result of the surgery.
  • 2/19/2024 - Shortly after returning home from the service, Misty’s husband contacted me and told me that they ended up in the ER. She is currently being treated for A-fib. Please pray for Misty’s medical team, that God blesses them with the skill and knowledge needed to treat her condition. And for comfort and peace of mind for Misty and her husband Kent.
  • 2/19/2024 - Please pray that God may bring Godly friends in this season of my life after much hurt. Also, for a work project that I may complete. Asking for God's favor with everything at work.
  • 2/20/2024 - Please pray for John Webb, who is in Arizona for the winter. He had cancer surgery recently. Praying for healing, strength and comfort during this time.
  • 2/20/2024 - Our daughter, Lori, is waiting to get test results of possible cancer. Please pray for her.
  • 2/20/2024 - Please pray for Carol Beth Lowell. She is having issues with her eyes and is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. Praying that there are no complications and that the surgery will go well. Also keep my sister, Donna in your prayers. She isn't in good health and is currently in the hospital with pneumonia.
  • 2/21/2024 - Please pray for my good friend, Lois. Her son, Jeff, passed away. His wife passed away a year ago from cancer and left behind 2 daughters. One daughter is 20 years old and is quite handicapped needing constant care. The second daughter is a junior in high school. Please pray for this family during this difficult time.
  • 2/22/2024 - Requesting prayer for my nephew Steve Stevenson. He is undergoing a series of tests on his heart and he has a mass on one of his lungs. Please pray for guidance for his medical team. That nothing is seriously wrong with him, and peace and comfort for Steve, his mom, and his family.
  • 2/25/2024 - Dick Bridgman is in need of prayer for pain following surgery for hip replacement last week. Pain medication is not helping and the pain is excruciating. Pray that his doctors will hear him and find different medication to relieve the pain.
  • 2/26/2024 - Prayer for strength, patience, faith, love, compassion, contentment, wisdom, self-control. Prayer for Andrea, for her salvation. Prayer for Staci, Andrea's sister, for her salvation. Prayer for Ruthie, for her endurance with her leukemia treatment. For a testimony on how God is helping her.
  • 2/27/2024 - Please pray for strength for Dan as he tries to manage his diabetes. Give him the wisdom to persevere to get through the challenges that come with managing his blood pressure.
  • 2/28/2024 - Praise that Lenny Sosa's cancer is gone! Doctor's are amazed that it is gone so quickly and completely!
  • 3/4/2024 - Danielle's husband's co-worker's wife was in a car accident this morning. The car was totaled and she is currently at the hospital being evaluated. She is pregnant and having contractions but isn't due until May. Please be in prayer for this family.
  • 3/6/2024 - EMERGENCY PRAYER REQUEST: from Denise Parrish, grandmother of Brynley Hey everyone-please stop and pray for Brynli. She was bad this morning and we tried to transport her her to the emergency room-we we’re barely out of Kelci‘s neighborhood and she started turning blue. I called 911 from the car and we met at my house and they just took her. They think she’s seizing. She looks terrible. I’m very worried!
  • 3/9/2024 - Personal
  • 3/9/2024 - Pray for a financial problem and with me and a friend of mine.
  • 3/9/2024 - Joe has his MRI this Monday. God answered our prayer to move this up a month. Please pray his shoulder gets stronger.
  • 3/9/2024 - Please pray for our grandson, Marv. He is 7 months old and has severe eczema (for 5 months now). He has to be watched constantly or he rubs his cheeks until they bleed.
  • 3/9/2024 - For better health and healing for Gerald Mayes. We remember the true meaning of Easter.
  • 3/9/2024 - Pray for my husband to attend with me and gain a desire to know God and be saved.
  • 3/9/2024 - Praise - we moved my son Jacob and his wife-to-be and her mom to Meridian. Our whole family is together again! Please pray that they would find their way to Jesus.
  • 3/9/2024 - Please pray that Yahweh would bring healing and restoration with myself and my kids! Pray that they would forgive me for any hurt that I may have caused them--please pray that their hearts of stone would be changed to flesh.
  • 3/9/2024 - For our daughter, Krista, who needs salvation. She also has been estranged from our family. So we need that restoration.
  • 3/9/2024 - Thank you for the healing. God is good.
  • 3/9/2024 - Pray for Kevin as he evangelizes in Cuba. May God's words resonate and lead many to Christ.
  • 3/9/2024 - - My father's salvation (Robert Wendell, Sr.) - Salvation for my nieces and their families. - Salvation for Ricky, Zulma, and Luis. - That I would take one day at a time and praise God for each day.
  • 3/9/2024 - God, you are great in so many ways. You continue to show your greatness in all aspects of my life. I am so grateful. Amen. I also want prayers for my uncle at this time.
  • 3/9/2024 - My brother, Jeff, is having a liver biopsy Tuesday. He's been sick for 7 weeks; please pray that they find no cancer. Thank you.
  • 3/9/2024 - Praise - Ty's eye surgery went great. Thank you for prayers and notes. So appreciated.
  • 3/9/2024 - Lord, thank you for placing others in Keelyn's life that want you at the center. In Jesus name, Amen.
  • 3/9/2024 - Please pray for Jen's brother, Jason, and his family as they are going through the process of divorce. Specifically pray for a mediation session scheduled for this Wednesday. Thank you.
  • 3/9/2024 - Pray I will find more ministries to help serve in or start.
  • 3/9/2024 - My niece, Patty Pitts, has COPD and is under hospice.